Country Stove & Fireplace

In observance of Memorial Day, we will be closed May 25, 26 & 27



Fireplace Servicesin Sussex, WI

Ensuring your fireplace is well-maintained and regularly serviced is not just about preserving its aesthetic appeal—it's crucial for your safety and efficiency. At Country Stove & Fireplace, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch fireplace services to the Sussex, WI area.

Contact us today to schedule your fireplace service and ensure your home stays cozy and safe all year round.

Why It's Important to Service Your Fireplace

Regular servicing of your fireplace is essential to maintain its performance and safety. Over time, soot and creosote can accumulate, potentially leading to dangerous chimney fires. Annual inspections and cleanings help prevent these risks, ensure efficient operation, and extend the lifespan of your fireplace. At Country Stove & Fireplace, our professional team is dedicated to ensuring that your fireplace functions safely and efficiently, providing peace of mind along with warmth and comfort.

How Often Should I Get My Fireplace Professionally Cleaned?

It is recommended to have your fireplace and chimney inspected at least once a year, ideally before the start of the heating season. If you use your fireplace frequently, additional cleanings might be necessary to handle the extra buildup of residues. Regular professional cleaning ensures that your fireplace operates efficiently and safely, providing optimal heat distribution and reducing the risk of chimney fires.

Fireplace Services We Offer in the Milwaukee Metro Area

At Country Stove & Fireplace, we offer a comprehensive range of fireplace services to ensure your unit is functioning at its best:

  • Chimney Inspection: We provide thorough inspections to check for any structural issues or blockages.
  • Fireplace Cleaning: Our cleaning services remove soot, creosote, and other obstructions to enhance safety and efficiency.
  • Fireplace Installations: Whether you're installing a new fireplace or replacing an old one, our experts ensure proper setup.
  • Fireplace Design Consultations: Customize your fireplace to suit your home’s style with our design services.
  • Repairs and Maintenance: From minor repairs to major overhauls, our team handles all aspects of fireplace maintenance.
  • What Fireplaces Require The Most Maintenance

    Wood-burning fireplaces typically require more frequent maintenance due to the buildup of creosote and soot. These fireplaces should be cleaned regularly to prevent chimney fires and ensure efficient airflow. Gas fireplaces, while generally requiring less maintenance, still need annual inspections to check for leaks and ensure the venting systems are functioning properly.

    Maintenance & Repairs

    Regular maintenance check-ups are critical for ensuring that your product is operating at its best while also assuring the safety of you and your home here in the Milwaukee Metro area.

    Not Servicing Your Fireplace May Lead to Safety Hazards

    Neglecting regular fireplace maintenance can lead to several safety hazards, including the risk of fire from creosote buildup or gas leaks in gas fireplaces. Additionally, improper venting can cause carbon monoxide to enter your home, posing serious health risks to you and your family. Regular fireplace inspections and cleaning by certified professionals are crucial to detect and mitigate these hazards before they pose a threat to your household.

    Chiney Top in Sussex, WI

    Schedule a Fireplace Service with Country Stove and Fireplace Today

    Don't wait until the cold weather hits to think about your fireplace. Ensuring it is in top shape not only enhances your home’s comfort and safety but also improves efficiency and reduces heating costs. Call Country Stove & Fireplace today to schedule a service appointment or click here to schedule online. Let us take care of your fireplace needs so you can enjoy a warm, safe, and stress-free winter in Sussex, WI.

    Ask The Experts

    Our fireplaces provide more than heat. It's the warmth that unites. The timeless designs and furniture-quality finish sets the the scene for intimate memories. Contact us to receive a free consultation.

    Contact Us