Country Stove & Fireplace

In observance of Memorial Day, we will be closed May 25, 26 & 27

Fireplace Maintenance for Every Season

Seaonal Fireplace Cleaning & Maintenance Tips

Country Stove & Fireplace in Sussex, WI

At Country Stove & Fireplace in Sussex, WI, we understand the unique demands placed on fireplaces and stoves throughout the seasons. Ensuring your heating units are maintained correctly year-round not only enhances their efficiency but also their safety. Follow this detailed maintenance schedule to keep your fireplace or stove in prime condition no matter the weather.

We understand that depending on the fireplace you have, it may require more upkeep than others, use this guide to help you take the best care of your fireplace.

Fireplace Maintenance & Cleaning

Regular maintenance check-ups are critical for ensuring that your product is operating at its best while also assuring the safety of you and your home. We're here to offer professional cleaning and maintenance when you need it.


Wood Burning Fireplace Seasonal Maintenance

Summer: It’s the ideal time for a professional cleaning and service check to ensure safety and efficiency before the colder months arrive.
Autumn: Equip yourself with the right cleaning tools such as brushes and ash vacuums, and check your supply of firewood. It's also a good time to inspect the fireplace for any necessary repairs.
Winter: Regularly remove ash and check for signs of wear or blockage, especially since your fireplace will be used more frequently.
Spring: Perform a deep cleaning of the fireplace and chimney. This is crucial to remove the accumulation of soot and creosote that can lead to chimney fires.

Pellet Stove Seasonal Maintenance

Summer: Service your stove to prepare it for peak performance in the winter. This includes professional cleaning of the burn pot and internal mechanisms.
Autumn: Make sure your stove is ready for the cold by cleaning it thoroughly and stocking up on pellets.
Winter: Regular maintenance is key during heavy use; check for ash build-up and ensure the hopper and auger are functioning smoothly.
Spring: Deep clean your stove and check all mechanical parts for wear and tear after the winter season.

Fireplace Insert Seasonal Maintenance

Summer: Schedule a professional inspection and cleaning to ensure the insert and its venting system are clear.
Autumn: Prepare for the heating season by cleaning the interior and ensuring the fans and air filters are dust-free.
Winter: Keep an eye on the efficiency of your insert; clean the glass regularly and monitor for any operational issues.
Spring: A thorough cleaning of the insert and a check-up on its components will set you up for the next usage period.

Winter Fireplace Upkeep Checklist

  • Inspect and clean the chimney and flue.
  • Check for damages or obstructions.
  • Clean the hearth and firebox regularly.
  • Ensure the integrity of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Fireplace Cleaning Tools Checklist

  • Chimney brush: Essential for keeping the flue clear.
  • Ash vacuum: Ideal for easy and clean ash removal.
  • Scraper or shovel: For manual ash and debris removal.
  • Stiff wire brush: For scrubbing hard-to-clean soot and creosote.
  • Does an Electric Fireplace Need to Be Cleaned?

    Yes, while electric fireplaces require minimal maintenance, regular dusting and occasional checks on electrical components and connections are necessary to ensure they operate safely and efficiently.

    How Do I Clean My Fireplace Insert?

    Regularly remove ashes and debris. Use a glass cleaner for the door and a vacuum for the interior. Annually, have a professional check and clean the venting system.

    How Do I Protect My Outdoor Fireplace In the Snowy Winter Months?

    Cover your outdoor fireplace with a waterproof cover and clear any accumulated snow to prevent moisture damage and rust. Regular checks during the winter will ensure it remains in good condition.

    Schedule a Professional Fireplace Service

    Ensure your fireplace’s longevity and safety with an annual professional clean and maintenance check. This will include a thorough inspection of the venting system, structural integrity check, and a cleaning of all components. Ready to book your next service? Contact Country Stove & Fireplace today!.