Country Stove & Fireplace

FAQs for New Fireplace Owners in Sussex, WI

Welcome to your hometown fireplace store, Country Stove & Fireplace, your go-to source for all things fireplace in Sussex, WI. If you're new to owning a fireplace, you might have a lot of questions about maintenance, safety, and best practices. We've compiled this FAQ page to address common concerns and help you enjoy your fireplace safely and efficiently. Continue reading to find helpful questions and answers. If a question you have isn't covered on this page or if you need more help, don't hesitate to contact us online or give us a call at 262-246-1900. We look forward to helping you have the best fireplace owning experience!

Fireplace Cleaning Frequencies

How Often Should I Clean My Wood Burning Fireplace?

A wood burning fireplace should be cleaned at least once a year, ideally in early fall before you begin using it regularly for the season. This includes removing ashes and soot build-up. If you use your fireplace very frequently during the winter, consider a mid-season check-up and cleaning to maintain optimal performance and safety.

How Often Should I Clean My Pellet Stove?

Pellet stoves require regular maintenance, including cleaning the burn pot, ash pan, and glass weekly during the heating season, or more often if you notice performance issues. A thorough cleaning of the entire stove, including the exhaust vent, should be done annually by a professional to ensure efficiency and safety.

How Often Should I Clean My Fireplace Insert?

Fireplace inserts, whether wood-burning or gas, should be inspected and cleaned annually by a professional. Regular use can lead to soot and creosote buildup, which are potential fire hazards. Keeping your insert clean also maintains its efficiency and prolongs its life.

How Often Does a Fireplace Need to Be Professionally Cleaned?

A professional cleaning and inspection of your fireplace and chimney should be done at least once a year to prevent chimney fires and carbon monoxide leaks. This is crucial for all types of fireplaces, including wood, pellet, and gas models.

Does a Pellet Stove Need to Be Professionally Serviced?

Yes, annual professional servicing of your pellet stove is recommended. This ensures that all mechanical components are in good working order, the venting system is clear, and the stove operates efficiently and safely.

Needing to schedule a cleaning service for your fireplace or stove? Click here to get started.

Fireplace Safety Questions

What Items Do I Need to Operate a Fireplace Safely?

To safely operate your fireplace, you need a sturdy screen to catch sparks, a set of fireplace tools for handling hot materials, a fire extinguisher nearby, and for wood fireplaces, a safe method for ash removal. Consider installing carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms in your home for added safety.

What Are The Top Safety Protocols for Owning a Fireplace?

  • Never leave a fire unattended.
  • Keep flammable materials, including furniture and curtains, at least three feet away from the fireplace.
  • Use only seasoned firewood or appropriate fuel for your fireplace type.
  • Install and regularly test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Have your fireplace and chimney inspected and cleaned annually.

  • What Should I Do With My Fireplace Before Leaving the House or Going to Bed at Night?

    Ensure that the fire is completely extinguished before going to bed or leaving the house. If you have a wood fireplace, spread the ashes to cool and check that no embers are still burning. For gas fireplaces, turn off the gas supply.

    What Is The Best Way To Store Firewood?

    Store firewood in a dry, covered location outside your home, stacked off the ground to allow air circulation and prevent moisture accumulation, which can lead to rot and pest infestation.

    What Type of Firewood in Wisconsin is The Cleanest Burning?

    In Wisconsin, hardwoods such as maple, oak, and birch are known for being clean-burning because they produce less creosote than softwoods. Ensure the wood is seasoned, meaning it has been dried for at least six months to reduce moisture content and ensure a cleaner, more efficient burn.

    For more information or specific questions about your fireplace or stove in Sussex, WI, contact us at Country Stove & Fireplace. We're here to ensure you enjoy the warmth and comfort of your fireplace safely and efficiently.